

Project description

EPHESUS: Evaluation of EU/EEA public health surveillance systems for ECDC

Context situation

The aim was to evaluate and strengthen the systems collecting, analysing, interpreting and disseminating infectious disease surveillance data at European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) level.

Project activities

Generic protocol

Development of a generic protocol to evaluate whether EU/EEA infectious disease surveillance systems meet their objectives, provide information for public health action, add EU/EEA value and do so as efficiently as possible.

Adaptation of generic protocol for each evaluation

For each  infectious disease under evaluation (35 surveillance systems evaluated), adaptation of the generic protocol to the specific objectives and attributes of each surveillance system.

Data collection for the evaluation

Development of an online questionnaire to collect data needed for the evaluation from all member states reporting surveillance data to ECDC. Organisation of group discussions with stakeholders. 

Evaluation report

Summarising the evaluation data and recommendation in a report submitted and discussed with ECDC. 

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    Hébergement de données de santé

    Nous sommes Hébergeur de Données de Santé (HDS) à caractère personnel depuis 2012 avec la certification ISO 27001/HDS depuis 2019.

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